Data management

Veyzer team could help you with the assessment, ingestion, normalization of data. One of the topics of today with teams is how to decide which data is important and how to optimize their data for application monitoring, security detections, compliance etc.

Data Solution for your Organization

Our experts can design data solutions that are robust and scalable. Ingesting only what is needed to cover your needs.


Data Assesment

Veyzer team could help you with the assessment, ingestion, normalization of data. One of the topics of today with teams is how to decide which data is important and how to optimize their data for application monitoring, security detections, compliance etc.

Data Normalization

Standardizing different datasets so they could share common field names and able to search quickly and efficiently trough large sets of data

Data Optimization

In some cases, certain data needs to be ingested, but not all of it is needed.

We could optimize this data as we trim the data and drop it or store it in a data lake or other cheaper storage solution where real-time monitoring or frequent fast access to is not required.